Walk Up Stairs

Walk Up Stairs
3 Sets of 15 with 10 lb dumbells ( Skip every other step just for the 3rd set)


3 set (15,10,8 Reps)

Leg Raise

Leg Raise
3 Sets (20, 15, 10 Reps

Elargo/Pepi Seated Twist

Elargo/Pepi Seated Twist
(20,15,10 Reps)

Air Bike

Air Bike
10 Set of 20 or to failure (10 second break between sets)

Treadmill or eliptical

Treadmill or eliptical
Intervals (1Minute Jog, 30 seconds walk) 15-20 Minutes

Monday, January 17, 2011



  1. Cindy,
    This is here so you can give me feed back about your workouts.

  2. I had a hard time setting up a google acct. - didn't like my password even though I followed the guidelines. Anyway, I finished yesterday's workout without a problem. I did notice that we had forgotten to do leg extensions, so I went ahead and did them. I tried to do the walking lunges with the dogs out of their kennel but both of them kept wanting to take a bite out of Pepe! Homer kept trying to attack the big blue ball, too. The pups will be staying in their "house" from now on during workouts! PS No luck on getting up at 5 this AM. Will try again on Monday.

  3. Ok. Great job cindy!5am does come early but will be well worth the effort. Protect pepe.

  4. Worked out last night - did 2 more push-ups than the previous workout.

  5. Another snow day! Just finished my workout. I bumped myself up to using 8# weights for the front deltoid raises. I've been alternating arms. I can do 30 for the first two sets and 22 for the third. I inflated the new ball - haven't tried it out yet but will on Friday/Saturday. I also put more air in the blue ball. Homer supervised the process.

  6. Hello Cindy;
    Just checking in to see that every thing is still going well. Please let me know if there is anything that you have questions about. How is your diet? You need to get in 5-6 meals in per day. 3 (breakfast, lunch, dinner) 2 snacks per day.

  7. I dont know to much about your current diet...so here is a solution. I would like you to set up a free account at myfitnesspal.com Make your username: cindyloovis
    Password: ironanatomy
    This will allow me to track your diet and give you advice. You can say no to this suggestion. I do think it would be beneficial to your overall program. Thanks and let me know what you think.

  8. Thurs. PM - somewhat abbreviated, yet satisfying workout. This has been a tough week - meetings, appt.s, etc.

  9. Just signed up over at myfitnesspal.com - very much like the "Lose It" app on my i-pod touch.

  10. Heard throught the grapevine that your diet is going very well. The only thing that I am not sure about with the internet training now is the amout of contact times. Would you consider once a week to meet in person for sessions? Let me know what you think.

  11. Hope a;; is still going well? Please let me Know if you need anything.

  12. Hi Brian.

    I've been out of town and am now under the weather. I'll get back to you on the once-a-week proposal. Might be the boost that I need.
